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Aware – Adelaide Fringe


Brighton Performing Arts Centre
305 Brighton Rd, North Brighton

09 - 11 Mar 23

Age is not a problem, ageism is…

How do you think, feel, and act towards an older person?

Slow, past it, too old, passed their use by, useless, frail, forgetful. If these are words that you have used or thought, then chances are that you have engaged in ageism.

Using an exciting mix of visual action, music, puppetry, and verbatim theatre, co-designed with older people, and performed by older actors, this production will raise awareness of ageism, as well as highlight opportunities to challenge the myths and stereotypes of ageing.

Come, be entertained, and have your attitudes challenged by authentic performances from our community performers, and above all see the amazing potential of the older person.

Supported by Office for Ageing Well, SA Health.

We would like to acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the lands and waters of the Adelaide region.

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