Protecting Your Home: Termite inspections explained

Spring and summer bring their fair share of pests, but there's one tiny intruder that can spell disaster for your home – termites.

When you consider one in five Adelaide homes has experienced a termite outbreak, with an average repair bill of $10,000, it’s crucial to prevent them.

Termites are the ‘silent destructors’, steadily feeding on the inside of your walls while you are none the wiser. By the time you notice the signs, the damage has usually been done.

Your best defence? An annual termite inspection

While you may notice many newer homes have termite barriers, they aren’t foolproof. To keep your home termite-free, it’s critical to get an inspection from a licensed professional, as these experts are trained to spot early signs of termite trouble.

How often do I need a termite inspection?

Government guidelines suggest conducting annual termite inspections according to your home’s risk level. Given that termite damage isn’t covered by home insurance, investing in a $200 inspection is a wise move.

Preparing for your inspection

Make your inspection as thorough as possible by:

  • Ensuring easy access to entry and exit points
  • Moving furniture away from walls
  • Clearing items in wet areas
  • Trimming overgrown vegetation
  • Storing wood away from your house

How we detect termites

First we conduct a physical inspection of your property to check for damage and entry points. Then we search for hidden termite activity using specialised equipment, including borescopes, sounding tools, moisture metres and movement detectors.

Treating a termite outbreak

If we detect termites, we will provide a custom treatment plan. Options may include:

  • Premise Treated Zones, which confuses termites, making them vulnerable to deadly diseases
  • Sentricon® Always Active™, which disrupts termite growth and development and prevents future infestations

While toxic for termites, our treatments are safe for humans and the environment.

Stay vigilant

To protect your home and wallet from a termite attack, annual inspections are essential. Allstate’s licensed inspectors use specialised equipment, offer safe treatments, and provide a 100% moneyback guarantee.

We’re passionate about educating South Australians on living pest-free.

Allstate Pest Control is Adelaide’s leading family-owned pest control company. We protect homes and businesses with pest control services across greater Adelaide.

(08) 7912 8145

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